How John at FTWCO gave me a reason to live!

I revised my FTW tattoo
I used to wish I was back in the womb. It was a much simpler time then. I got to lounge around all day in a bubble of warm stomach sauce while meals were delivered, pre-chewed, straight into my tummy. The hardest thing I had to do was grow thumbs. Yeah, those sure were good times.
But now things suck ass. I have to work all day, my rent is too high and my favorite hobby is sleeping. Recently, I've started to lose my mind. I realized my only hope was to find some security, and I needed it fast.
Well, John over at FTWCO came like a white knight in my hour of need. He raced off to the nearest post office astride his motorized two-wheeled steed, his long brown hair flowing in the wind and smelling of rich sandalwood and aged leather. In John's sweat glistening arms he carefully caressed a large priority mail packing envelope. He insisted upon priority mail, so that all would know the importance he placed on his mission of mercy.
His care package arrived today revealing EXACTLY what I needed: an FTWCO Motorrad hoodie!!! Tears of relief streamed down my face ad I donned the sweatshirt. Instantly, I was comforted in 9.75oz enzyme-washed 80/20 Cotton Polyester blend. Black with "Motorrad Racing" in house golden yellow on front, with the same color and larger "Championship" art on back, the sweatshirt shields me from the hardships of life. It takes me back to that special place I long for which I was evicted from at birth. Suddenly, life is much brighter. Food seems to taste richer. The air - more crisp.
The hoodie gives me the confidence and security I need as an avid flat track racer. With my FTWCO hoodie I feel safe enough to take on any challenge. Bring on the mile!
Thank you John! FTWCO forever!!!!
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